「趣味はなんですか?」 初対面の人との会話でよく聞かれる質問だと思いますが、皆さんはすぐに答えることができる「何か」を持っていますか?mgnのメンバーはこの人なら「コレ!」と言えるくらいの趣味を持った人がたくさんいます。それは、Slackだったり普段の会話の中だったりで趣味の話を共有してくれているからわかることなのですが、これといった趣味を持っていない私は、いつも「いいな!」「楽しそうだな!」と思いながら見たり聞いたりしています。


The “hobby” effect at work
What are your hobbies?” Do you have something that you can answer immediately? There are many mgn members who have hobbies that can be described as “this one! I know this because they share their hobbies with me on Slack and in everyday conversations, but as someone who does not have any hobbies of my own, I am always thinking, “I like that! Sounds like fun!” I always think, “I like it!
It is nice to spend time simply “doing what you love,” but what is even better is being able to talk about your favorite things and hobbies. But what is even better is that we can talk about our favorite things and hobbies. Many people in our company have games, anime, and manga as one of their hobbies, and they get excited about these topics both in conversation and on Slack.
Benefits of communicating through hobbies
Conversations with people who share the same hobbies come naturally, and the topic of hobbies can be a good relaxing time for a small conversation before a client meeting or a chat with a colleague. If you can create a relaxed atmosphere, especially at the beginning of a meeting, the subsequent work discussion is likely to proceed smoothly. In addition, conversations that arise from knowledge and experience gained through hobbies may help build trust, as it is easier to get closer to the other party than mere work-related interactions. I believe that these conversations through hobbies can easily become an opportunity to take the working relationship one step further.

Benefits gained from a balance between hobbies and work
When we are busy at work, we tend to forget to rest, our brain gets tired (I don’t know if that is the right word, but that’s the feeling!) It can be hard to concentrate or to notice simple mistakes. Of course, taking a rest may be enough, but if you can relax and change your mood by doing something you like, you may feel more satisfied and ready for work. In addition, because they are aware of the need to manage their time and work more efficiently in order to make time for their hobbies, they may be able to concentrate on their work and achieve better time performance. Hobbies may have the advantage of naturally balancing work time.
Hobbies make me work harder.
Whether you can say “I can work hard because I have a hobby” or not, having a hobby can have a positive impact on your work. I mentioned that I don’t have any hobbies, but when I lose my concentration, playing music can change my mood and help me concentrate again. I can now do the heavy lifting without putting it off. I also like to spend time with my cat during my lunch break or when I have free time. It’s not something I can talk passionately about to anyone, but if favorite things = “hobbies,” then listening to music and playing with my cat would be my hobbies.

I am interested in information about anime that is often discussed in the company, and I secretly check Slack to see if anyone is willing to share it with me! My children also like to watch anime, so I think it would be fun to watch them together. I also enjoy checking out the “favorite things” that people share in Slack, such as information about art exhibitions and shows they have been to in their private time, their favorite drinks, their favorite activities, and so on. And I wish I could have a hobby that I can (and want to!) talk about passionately. I hope to have a hobby that I can (and want to!) talk about passionately.