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  • 基本はお水です。気分によってコーヒーやお茶にすることもあります。
  • ほとんど水を飲んでいます。
  • ミルク入りのホットコーヒー
  • アイスコーヒーを飲んでいます。冬のとても寒いときはホットにしています。
  • 水かルイボスティーが多いです
  • 麦茶がメインですが、コーヒーもよく飲みます。直近でははちみつ紅茶やゆず茶を飲んだりしています。
  • いつも水を飲んでます。夏なら冷たい水でシックサワー・ジュースを割って飲みます。




  • 普段はガムを噛むくらい。たまーに甘いものが食べたいーー!!ってなった時にアイスを食べる時もあります。ハーゲンダッツ・パルム・チョコバッキーあたりのチョコ+バニラ系が常に冷凍庫にストックされています。
  • ヨーグルトやするめを食べたりします。あと、たまにコーヒーをテイクアウトすることがあります。
  • ミントガム、カリンのど飴、タフグミ
  • おやつはほとんど食べません。
  • たまにチョコやナッツか小魚食べてます。個人的に高カカオ低糖質のチョコはおすすめです(こってり味なので満足度が高い)
  • おやつはあまり食べません。ときどきお昼ご飯と称して湖池屋ののりしおを食べることがあります。
  • はい、食べますよ。その日の気分によって違います。今のおすすめは チーズおかき、ダークチョコレート(仕事のやる気が出る)、香ばし玉ねぎせん(カルディ)、マネケンのワッフル)



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  • 会社で買ってもらったオカムラの昇降デスク+チェアで快適にお仕事してます!引っ越すまでいつもこたつで作業していたのでかなり進化しました。
  • 自分用の部屋で、昇降デスクで仕事しています。大きなモニタが目の前、左側にMacBook Proを置いています。その他デスクにある主なものは、MacBook Air(私物)、マイク、ドッキングステーション、STREAM DECK、大きな電源タップ。
  • 釣具にまみれています。机の上にプラモデルを置いています
  • リビングダイニングキッチンにつながっている場所で、備え付けのデスクがある2帖くらいのスペースです。
  • おしゃれにしたいのにまったくその方面に行き着かない5.5帖ぐらいの部屋で作業してます。デスクは1万ぐらいの120cmのサンワのデスクを使ってます。軽くて割と頑丈で模様替えしやすいのがいいですね
  • 仕事部屋で MacBook Pro + モニター2つを使って仕事しています。最近マイクを卓上からアームに変えました。好きなグッズを周りに置くのが好きなので、けっこうごちゃついています。ゲーム部屋も兼ねているので、コードもごちゃごちゃ・・・
  • 畳の部屋で一人で仕事をしています。静かでプライベートな空間です。mgnはアーロンチェアとREGAS(オカムラ)の調節可能なデスクを用意してくれました。畳の上で椅子を動かせるように、底にプラスチックのマットを敷きました。






  • コーディング時はVS Code+GitHub Copilotにお世話になってます。
  • Slack(コミュニケーションツール)/Notion(タスク管理)/Spark(メールアプリ)/Inkdrop(Markdownノートアプリ)/VS Code(コードエディター)/LOCAL(WordPressの開発環境)/ Krisp(ノイズキャンセリング)
  • NERV防災、Flightader24、windy
  • Krisp、Notion、DeepL、Clipy、特に変わったアプリは使っていないと思います。
  • slack, VSCode, Warp(ターミナルアプリ), Local, DeepL, Gather, Mail(Apple純正アプリ)
  • ・Slack・Backlog・Visual Studio Code・iTerm・Sourcetree・Local・Gather・krisp・DeepL・Notion・LICEcap(実装の進捗や不具合をさっとGifアニメで共有できます)・Mac純正のリマインダー(自分のタスク管理に使っています)
  • Krisp (reduce background noise), Notion (take notes/organize my work flow), DeepL app (for translation), Awesome screen recorder (chrome extension), Momentum (chrome extension tool) 急な用事や素早いタスクを管理するのに役立っています。新しいタブを開くとダッシュボードとして表示され、自分の小さなやることリストが一目瞭然で、物事を素早く片付けるのに役立っています。特に、タスクがたくさんあるにもかかわらず、それをすぐに忘れてしまい、何から手をつけていいのかわからなくなったときに役立ちます。そんな時、小さなやることリストを見て、そこから始めるのが好きです。また、私はMomentumで時間を見るのが好きです。時間を忘れてしまいがちなので、目に見えるのはいいことです。



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  • 特にないかも。あえて挙げるならサブディスプレイ+ディスプレイアーム?
  • こういう質問のときは、Yeti Blue(マイク)と答えています。Krispと合わせて使っています。音質よく相手に自分の声を届けられるということ、指向性が高いことで、ヘッドホン/イヤホンを使わずにオンラインミーティングが出来る(ハウリングが起こらない)ということで、ストレスがありません。
  • Anker Charging Station
  • PCの配線を極力シンプルにしたいので、CalDigitというドックがめちゃめちゃ助かってます
  • CalDigit のドッキングステーションです!とりあえずなんでも挿せます!あとは、”仕事で使っているか”は微妙なラインですが、カップウォーマーは外せません。温かい飲み物をいつでも飲みたい人はぜひ!
  • クッションマウスパッドとYetiマイク!



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  • 始業直前まで寝ているか目が覚めていてもゴロゴロしていることが多いです。仕事が終わってから趣味の時間に移行したい。
  • 仕事の後のほうが起きている時間が長いです。ほとんど動画を見たりゲームをしたり、ねこと遊んだりといったことに時間を使っています。
  • どちらも!朝のルーティーンは、子どもたちに貰った蓋付きカップにコーヒーを入れて机に向かうと仕事モードになります。
  • 自分のことは仕事の後にすることが多いです(仕事の前は朝食と洗濯とゴミ出しで手一杯)。仕事のあと、ちょっとハードな筋トレを含めて30・40分程度運動するのが最近のルーティーンです
  • 夜型なので、仕事のあとの方が元気です。仕事→夜ご飯→英語の勉強→運動→晩酌(自由時間) がだいたいのルーティーンです。
  • 気分次第です。仕事がうまくいった日は、仕事が終わった後に元気が出ることもあります。私の日課は、仕事の合間に少し休憩して、家の周りを散歩すること。いつも水を持っているので、水筒の水がなくなりそうになったら補充したり、仕事に戻る前にお菓子を買ったり、植物に水をやったりして休憩しています。




We asked mgn. What kind of environment do you work in?

Hello! This is the Hataraku LENS editorial team.

Everyone at mgn works fully remotely. When working remotely, it is difficult to know how everyone is working. Today, we asked mgn members, “What is your work environment like? What do you usually do? We asked them in a survey.

What do you usually drink at work?

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What do people choose to drink? Is it coffee or tea as an accompaniment to work? Perhaps there are people who choose what to drink according to the season…?

  • Basically, it is water. Sometimes coffee or tea, depending on my mood.
  • I drink mostly water.
  • Hot coffee with milk
  • I drink iced coffee. When it is very cold in winter, I make it hot.
  • Mostly water or rooibos tea.
  • I mainly drink barley tea, but I also often drink coffee. Most recently, I have been drinking honey black tea and yuzu tea.
  • I always drink water. If it’s Summer, I’ll have iced water with some sick sour juice.

Oh. There are more water drinkers than expected, about the same number as coffee and tea drinkers. It seems that mgn people drink water as well as coffee and tea!

Do you eat snacks while working? What do you recommend?

In the office, there are always snacks that you can pick up, such as “Okurimono” snack boxes or Office Glico. What do people do when they work remotely?

  • I usually just chew gum. Sometimes I want something sweet! I sometimes eat ice cream when I have a sweet tooth. I always have a freezer stocked with chocolate and vanilla ice cream such as Haagen-Dazs, Palm, and Choco Bucky.
  • I sometimes eat yogurt or surume. I also sometimes take out coffee.
  • Mint gum, quince throat lozenges, tough gummies
  • They rarely eat snacks.
  • Sometimes I eat chocolate, nuts or small fish. I personally recommend high cocoa, low sugar chocolate (it tastes rich and is very satisfying).
  • I do not eat many snacks. Sometimes I eat Norishio from Koikeya as my lunch.
  • Right now, I recommend: cheese crackers, dark chocolate (you will feel motivated to work), savory onion crackers (Kaldi), Manneken waffle (depends on my mood). (Cardi), Manneken waffle

I knew there were ice cream eaters in the mix (lol). Many people enjoy their favorite treat on an “occasional” basis!

In what kind of environment (what kind of room/desk) do you work? Please tell us briefly in writing.

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The biggest difference between remote work and coming to the office is the work environment. The size of the desk, number of monitors, peripherals, and many other factors may make a difference.

  • I work comfortably at the Okamura elevating desk + chair that my company bought me! I always worked with a kotatsu until I moved here, so it has evolved quite a bit.
  • I work at an elevated desk in my personal room. A large monitor is in front of me, with my MacBook Pro on the left side. Other main items on the desk are a MacBook Air (personal item), microphone, docking station, STREAM DECK, and a large power strip.
  • I am covered in fishing tackle. I have plastic models on my desk.
  • It is connected to the living/dining/kitchen area and is about 2 square meters with a desk provided.
  • I’m working in a room of about 5.5 square meters that I want to make stylish but I’m not going that direction at all. I use a 120cm Sanwa desk that costs about 10,000 yen. It’s light, relatively sturdy, and easy to redecorate.
  • I work in my workroom with a MacBook Pro + 2 monitors. I recently changed my microphone from a tabletop to an arm. I like to put my favorite goods around the room, so it is quite messy. It also doubles as a game room, so there are a lot of cords…
  • I work in my tatami room by myself. quiet and private. i cannot focus when there is some kind of noise. mgn provided me with Aeron chair and REGAS (okamura) adjustable desk. I placed a plastic mat at the bottom so I can move my chair on tatami.

The work environment is where individuality comes into play! For a comfortable work environment, in addition to the PC itself, the company will provide a desk, chair, and monitor if desired. Many people make use of these items and customize them to their own liking while working. I, too, am battling with my desire to make my desk area stylish and my desire to put many things I like on it.

If you have any great pictures of your desk area, please show them to us.

I would like to see pictures of what it looks like in person, not just text! Several members even added pictures.

Please recommend an app/tool that you use regularly and often.

The work environment is going to be unique, not only in the room, but also within the machine that actually does the work. If you have any recommendations, please let me know! So we asked.

  • I use VS Code+GitHub Copilot when coding.
  • Slack (communication tool)/Notion (task management)/Spark (email app)/Inkdrop (Markdown note app)/VS Code (code editor)/LOCAL (WordPress development environment)/ Krisp (noise cancellation)
  • NERV Disaster Prevention, Flader24, windy
  • I don’t think I use Krisp, Notion, DeepL, Clipy, or any unusual applications.
  • slack, VSCode, Warp (Terminal app), Local, DeepL, Gather, Mail (Apple stock app)
  • Slack, Backlog, Visual Studio Code, iTerm, Sourcetree, Local, Gather, krisp, DeepL, Notion, LICEcap (I can quickly share Gif animations of implementation progress and defects), Mac stock reminders (for managing my tasks). I use it to manage my tasks).
  • Krisp (reduce background noise), Notion (take notes/organize my work flow), DeepL app (for translation), Awesome screen recorder (chrome extension), and Momentum (chrome extension tool) – it helps me keep track of sudden or quick tasks. I can open a new tab and it opens as a dashboard where I can clearly see my It’s especially helpful when you have many tasks but you forgot it easily and you don’t know where to start. In those times, I like to see my small to do lists and start from there. Also, I like to see the time in Momentum, it’s written in big number.

Of course, since we are within the same company, many of them are covered. When I see personal recommendation tools mixed in among them, I think that’s where the personality of the person comes out!

What is the best gadget to use at work? It is limited to small devices such as microphones, earphones, etc., not applications on computers.

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We hear more and more about it. Next, we discuss the machine’s peripherals. For example, do you use a headset in meetings? Do you use a microphone? How do people connect the ever-increasing number of peripherals…and so on.

  • Maybe nothing in particular. Dare I mention a sub-display + display arm?
  • When asked these questions, I answer Yeti Blue (microphone), which I use in conjunction with Krisp. The fact that I can get my voice to the other person with good sound quality and the high directivity allows me to have online meetings without using headphones/earphones (no feedback), which is stress-free.
  • Anker Charging Station
  • I want to keep my PC wiring as simple as possible, so the CalDigit dock has been a huge help!
  • CalDigit docking station! You can plug anything into it! I’m not sure if I use it for work or not, but I can’t leave out the cup warmer. If you want to have a hot drink anytime, you should definitely get one!
  • cushion mouse pad and Yeti microphone!

There are a few different things, but the recommendations are similar. mgn tends to have people start using things that they say, “This was good. Like, “I want to buy a webcam, but I don’t know which one to get.” I may never really get rid of my docking station.

Are you more active before or after work? What is your favorite routine?

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There are words like “morning person” and “night person,” but which do you mgn people tend to be? Do you have a routine that makes the most of remote work?

  • I often sleep or wake up just before the start of the workday, but I’m still moping around. I want to transition to my hobbies after work.
  • I spend more time awake after work. I spend most of my time watching videos, playing games, and playing with my cats.
  • Both! My morning routine is in work mode when I put my coffee in a lidded cup the kids gave me and head to my desk.
  • I tend to do my own thing after work (I have my hands full with breakfast, laundry, and taking out the trash before work). My recent routine is to exercise for 30/40 minutes after work, including a bit of hard muscle training!
  • I am a night person, so I am more energetic after work. My routine is usually work→evening meal→study English→exercise→drinking (free time).
  • It depends on my mood. Sometimes when I have a good day at work, I will feel energize after work. I always have water with me so I will refill my water bottle when it is almost gone, or take a break to get snacks or water my plants before

At the very least, among those who responded to the survey, more people are probably more active at night! Everyone has their own routine. This is also a good indication of the personality of the person. Another good thing about no commute is that you can sleep until just before the start of work (laughs).


This time, we decided not to focus on who answered the questionnaire, but rather to see how everyone responded to a single item. The answers we received gave us a good picture of the members, so the article became a kind of self-introduction of each member plus mgn as a whole!