これがですね、めちゃくちゃお得なんですよ! てゆーか、なんでこれを20年前にやってくれなかったんだ!
もともとは、保育所に入所できない待機児童を受け入れるためにできた制度です。 昨今は認可外保育園が増えたり、待機児童が少なくなってきた一方で、リモートワークをする保護者が増えたことで「一時預かり事業」としての利用者が急増しています。
四六時中子どもの相手をするのって、疲れますよね。 「少しでいいから自分だけのために時間を使いたい」と考えるのは至極真っ当だと思います。
- 美容院に行ってもOK
- 気分転換でショッピングに行ってもOK
- お友達とカフェでランチもOK
- 自宅でずーっと昼寝していてもOK

子育てで一番辛いのは、なんといっても夜眠れないことだと思います。 「数時間おきに泣いてミルクをあげ、オムツを替える。これをいったいいつまで続ければいいんだ…!頼むから朝までグッスリ眠りたい!!」
- お住まいの自治体に問合せ
- 利用する派遣会社やマッチングサイトを選んで登録する
- ベビーシッターとの面談を行なう
- 当日子どもをベビーシッターに預ける
- 報告書を行政に提出する
利用者は、ここまでの手順を全て行う必要があります。 手続きが苦手で挫折、という人もいるかもしれませんが、そこは頑張ってみてください。 一度やってしまえば、手続きの流れは毎回同じですし、ご家庭の要望やお子様の特性に合うシッターさんが見つかれば、長期的にお願いすることができるようになるはずです。
この施策を実施しているか否かは、お住まいの自治体で一度調べてみてください。 ここ数年、実施する自治体が広がってきておりまして、2024年1月現在で20の区や市で実施されています。
実施区市町村 – 東京都保健局
ただし、制約が厳しくて使えないパターンがいろいろあります。 たとえば
- 保育施設間や習い事への送迎はNG
- 自宅から保育施設(またはその逆)はOKですが、保育施設から習い事へ、のような使い方はNGです
- 自宅以外(駅等)で保護者さまへ引き渡すのはNG
- 掃除、洗濯、炊事等の家事サービスもNG
- 自宅外での長時間保育はNG(短時間の近隣での公園遊びのみOK)
Families with children should use it right away! “Tokyo Babysitter Support Project”
Hello, my name is Shoko.
I work as a weekend babysitter, and there is a government childcare support program that I learned about through this program, which I would like to share with you today.
This is, you know, a crazy good deal! I mean, why didn’t they do this 20 years ago?
My own children are grown now!
Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentBabysitter use to support business (temporary care business)
Originally, this system was created to accept children on waiting lists who could not be admitted to daycare centers. Recently, while the number of unlicensed daycare centers has increased and the number of children on waiting lists has decreased, the number of users of this program as a “temporary childcare service” has increased rapidly due to the increase in the number of parents who work remotely.
The babysitter comes to your home and the guardian works in the next room.”
This pattern is often used.
However, the great thing about this business is that “the reason to leave your child in the care of Can be done outside of workThis is the point that “the
Parents are welcome to use it for refreshment.
Having to deal with children 24/7 is tiring, isn’t it? I think it is perfectly reasonable to think, “I would like to spend a little time just for myself.
Some people are so exhausted from working full time during the week that they don’t even have the energy to get up on their days off.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government BS Utilization Support Project (temporary childcare services) does not require any reason for leaving your child in our care!
- You can go to a hair salon.
- You can go shopping for a change.
- You can have lunch at a cafe with your friends.
- You can nap all the time at home.
This is the savior of parenting. You have kids, but you still want to take a break. This is the answer to such needs.
In fact, a family that I visit once every two months asks me to take their child out for a day off so that they can have a relaxing vacation at home. We also provide support for the children.
Receive a discount of up to 2,500 yen per hour
The hourly rate for babysitters is usually between 1,500 yen and 3,000 yen. You can get 2,500 yen of that amount refunded later, so you can hire a babysitter for almost free, in quite a pattern.
However, this discount cannot be used for contracts with private babysitters. Therefore, it is necessary to go through a matching website or a temporary staffing agency. The amount paid by the user depends on “the percentage of commission charged by the intermediary company,” but even if the commission is high, the user’s cost is actually only a few hundred yen per hour.

Early morning and night time discounts of up to 3,500 yen per hour
The hardest part of raising a child is not being able to sleep at night. I think the hardest part of raising a child is not being able to sleep at night. How long do I have to do this? I just want to sleep until morning for God’s sake!
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Babysitter Support Program is the answer to such heartbreaking voices of parents. (The name is too long!)
Unfortunately, this is not possible for babies who can only take breast milk, but if milk is acceptable, this is a wonderful measure that allows the mother to sleep soundly by leaving the baby with a babysitter overnight.
Especially for single parents, finding a reliable sitter can be of some help, so we encourage you to take advantage of it.
What are the disadvantages?
The procedure is complicated.
It’s a government policy, so it may be unavoidable. Hi, it is still a bit annoying.
- Contact your local government
- Select and register with the temp staffing agency or matching site you wish to use.
- Meet with the babysitter
- Leave your child with a babysitter on the same day
- Submit the report to the government.
Users must follow all the steps up to this point. Some people may be frustrated because they are not comfortable with the procedure, but please try to hang in there. Once you have done it once, the procedure is the same every time, and if you find a sitter who fits your family’s needs and your child’s characteristics, you should be able to request them on a long-term basis.
Is it available if I live in Tokyo?
Please check with your local government to see if they are implementing this policy. The number of municipalities implementing this policy has been expanding over the past few years, and as of January 2024, 20 wards and cities have implemented it.
Implementing Wards and Municipalities – Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Public Health
For those outside of Tokyo: Babysitting tickets for the Child and Family Agency
For those who say, “I don’t live in Tokyo…” I would like to introduce another government policy to support workers’ working childcare.
Formerly called “Cabinet Office Corporate Babysitter Discount Coupons” because the Cabinet Office had jurisdiction over the program, the name was changed recently to “Kodomo Homes Agency Babysitter Coupons” because the jurisdiction was changed from the Cabinet Office to the Kodomo Homes Agency.
Subsidy of 4,400 yen per visit
This one is not related to your municipality, and can only be used if the company where the guardian works has applied to the government.
However, there are various patterns that cannot be used due to severe restrictions. For example
- No transportation between daycare facilities or to and from lessons
- Home to daycare facility (or vice versa) is acceptable, but not from daycare facility to lessons.
- It is not acceptable to hand over the child to the guardian outside of the home (e.g. at the train station)
- Housekeeping services such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. are also not acceptable.
- Long hours of childcare outside the home are not permitted (only short periods of playtime in the neighborhood at the park are permitted).
Please note that these patterns are not refundable even if you apply for them.
The key point is that this can only be applied to requests made during the working (working) hours of the guardian.
The Child and Family Agency Babysitter Voucher is used through the company you work for in the first place, so please inquire with your company first to see if it is available.
This policy is funded by the employees’ pension. If the company you work for pays the employee pension, one way is to encourage employees to introduce the policy, saying that they would like to apply to use it.
Find a babysitter you feel comfortable with
Some of you may have thought, “You have to be very rich to hire a babysitter. It seems that the system is becoming more widely available and less expensive than you might think.
Please find a sitter who is a good match for the child and parents based on the family environment.