オフィスで働いている場合は、ちょっとした会話がしやすいです。 質問・相談についても、気軽に聞きやすい環境です。雑談をすることもできるでしょう。
mgnが使っているツールを紹介します 共有編



Google Drive

mgnではクラウドストレージサービスとしてGoogle ドライブを利用しています。Google ドキュメント、スプレッドシート、スライドといったビジネスに欠かせないツールとも連携しているので、すごく便利です。みんなで共同編集もできるので、わざわざ都度共有しなくてもいいのがすごく助かりますね。ほかにも、社内ミーティングの録画データなども保存しています。全員がアクセスできるので、情報の共有に役立っています。
mgnが使っているツールを紹介します コミュニケーション編

Gather/Zoom/Google Meet

現在、お客さまとのミーティングはGoogle Meet を利用しています。
Google Meet:https://meet.google.com/


いかがだったでしょうか。こうして書いてみると、実にたくさんのツールを使っているなと思います。この記事を書いている担当は、GatherやKrisp、Notionが本当に大好きなアプリで、 ずーーっと使っています。使えなくなったらかなりハードルが上がり、モチベーションを保てないかもしれません。それくらい便利です。
I can’t work without it… mgn’s recommended tools (sharing & communication)
These days, there are more and more diverse ways to work. The same is true at mgn. We use a variety of tools to help people work asynchronously and maximize their performance.
Problems with remote work
If you are working in an office, it is easy to have a small conversation. It is easy to ask questions and seek advice. You may even be able to chat with them.
Remote work raises that hurdle. Even a small question requires the use of a web conferencing tool. This hurdle makes people hesitant to ask for clarification or consultation. There is also the fear of interrupting work because you don’t know what the other person is doing.
Since there will be no more eating together or chatting, there will be differences in information sharing and an increased sense of isolation. This can be a major obstacle to building a team.
Here are some of the tools mgn uses Sharing
First, we would like to introduce a tool for “sharing” and working with the entire team on various matters.

I’m working on the same project with someone else and we’re having trouble getting things done. Or what you have been working on has disappeared…
GitHub is a service that allows users to manage Git, a tool for storing file modification history, in the cloud. It has a task management function called Issue, and also provides a Kanban-style progress management function called Prooject based on Issues.
You can keep track of changes to files, so if you make a mistake, you can revert to a different version to take care of it. It is an indispensable tool when working alone or in a team.

I have trouble managing tasks. I need to take small notes. Minutes, presentations, files. There’s so much to share with everyone, it’s hard to remember where everything is…
Notion allows you to create such documents and organize knowledge in a single workspace. In some cases, you may want to migrate from other tools to Notion entirely, as it brings together a variety of functions such as minutes, calendar sharing, and task management using the database function.
It can also simply be used as an information hub, which is the most common use of mgn. It can also be integrated with various applications, so there is no need to open various tools each time.
Even when used simply as a text editor, it offers a variety of functions: text, images, checklists, code blocks, comment functions… It is also useful for taking minutes and notes. mgn started by incorporating it partially at first. Gradually, the range of usage has expanded!

Project management doesn’t work either! I’ve reached the limit of communicating with Excel and email. It’s hard to keep track of who’s involved, who’s in charge, who’s doing what…
Backlog is a simple and easy-to-use project management tool. It is easy to visualize the assigned dates and due dates, making it easier for projects to proceed smoothly. It is also easy to use from the point of view of being able to communicate with members in a friendly manner, with a star (like) function and the use of emojis (pictograms).
At mgn, we use Backlog to manage all of our projects. The system is very helpful because I can see a list of my tasks, due dates, etc. across projects, which reduces omissions, and it is very easy to use because of its simple and intuitive look and feel. Since you are charged per space, you can easily add more members no matter how many you have.
Google Drive

I want to share the data in my computer with everyone. But what if I send it by e-mail and it reaches a different destination? Besides, it’s hard to send the data to everyone every time it changes…
At mgn, we use Google Drive as our cloud storage service, and it is very convenient because it is integrated with Google Docs, spreadsheets, slides, and other essential business tools. We can also edit together, so we don’t have to go to the trouble of sharing each time. We also store recordings of internal meetings. Since everyone can access the data, it is very useful for sharing information.
What do you think? All of them are actually used conveniently at mgn. I think that being able to share and co-edit various things smoothly is a key point to proceed with work with less stress.
Here are some of the tools used by mgn Communication
Next, here are some of the tools we often use when communicating. mgn loves to communicate, so these are also important tools.

I just want to ask a few questions. Email would be too much work to share with everyone. Can’t we also centralize communication with multiple customers and partners…
Slack is a very easy-to-use chat tool. It is convenient because you can create different channels for different topics and exchange messages. It also has a voice call feature called “huddle meetings,” so you can communicate in a huddle like, “Can I have a huddle now?” and so on, so you can communicate. Of course, there is also a search function. When you send a message, a notification will be sent to the recipient, so communication goes very smoothly.
Collaboration is easy, as you can create a channel linked to another organization or invite users as guests.
At mgn, we have created many channels for interaction, from business chat to “music,” “alcohol,” “exercise,” “games,” and other such chit-chat.

While it is easy to work at one’s own pace when working remotely, it is difficult to communicate with colleagues. It can be difficult to make small talk, which can increase feelings of loneliness.
While we work with asynchronous communication, we also value synchronous communication, such as real-time conversations, meetings, and small talk. We also value small chit-chat. I enjoy chatting with people.
I had a room that anyone could enter at any time, and I kept it connected from the start of the workday to the end. Of course, most of the time I was working hard, but I was able to use Zoom for business conversations, questions, and chit-chat at any given moment.
We are currently using Gather, a virtual office. A virtual office is an office that is online. Gather has a dotty, retro design. Gather has a dotty, retro design, complete with personal avatars, desks, and meeting rooms.
Mgn is a remnant of the days when we used Zoom, and even though we have a large office space, most of the members are crammed into a space about 8 x 8, working hard (laughs).

Another tool that helps us communicate online is Discord, which, like Gather and others, allows us to create and interact in voice and text chat channels.
Text chat, like Slack, allows communication using emojis and stamps. One of the main features of voice chat is that you can join the channel at your own time, and you can come and go as you please. While it is necessary to arrange a time for a meeting, it is easier to have a small conversation with a colleague, for example, than with other tools.

Another tool we can’t live without is Krisp, a noise canceling application! It works great and is virtually noise free. Nowadays, each voice chat/meeting tool has its own noise cancellation feature, but Krisp makes it even clearer.
Noise can be stressful, but in a remote work environment, each individual’s call environment is different. Krisp provides noise cancellation not only to the microphone, but also to the sound that is heard by the user, allowing for a very clear voice call.
How was it? I think I use a lot of tools when I write this. Gather, Krisp, and Notion are my favorite apps, and I use them all the time. If I couldn’t use them, I might not be able to keep up the hard work and motivation. That’s how useful they are.
Do you have a favorite or useful tool that you would like to introduce? Please share your recommendations in the comments or on social networking sites.