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I want to enjoy my work! Staying Motivated

No matter what kind of work you do, there are bound to be moments when you are not getting the results you want, or when you make a mistake and feel depressed. There may also be times when you feel bad about your work, even though nothing is happening. How do you keep your motivation in such situations? In this article, I will write down what I think you can do as an individual and what I wish corporate culture would do to keep you motivated.

What Individuals Can Do

Accumulate small accomplishments.

If you only have big goals or time-consuming tasks, achieving them may take a long time and you may lose motivation along the way. I believe that the experience of success gained by setting small goals to achieve and accomplishing them will help maintain motivation. Breaking down daily tasks into smaller tasks and clearing small goals will keep you motivated, and when you stumble, it will be easier to see where the bottleneck is.

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Reflecting on Successes

If you record your major accomplishments and achievements in a form that you can look back on later, and look at when you feel down or low on motivation at work, you can switch to a more positive outlook. Looking back on your small growth, such as being able to do something you were not able to do before, will also motivate you to take the next step.

Change the work environment

Redecorating your desk area for a change of scenery, placing something that lifts your spirits, or changing your work environment just a little will relax your mind and increase your motivation. If you are working remotely from home, you may want to try using a coworking space. There are no coworking spaces in my neighborhood that I can easily visit on a whim, so I always hope that such an environment will be created.

Have ideals and goals

If you find a role model for your work or have an ideal success goal for the work you are holding on to, you may be able to stay positive about achieving your goal, even if you stumble a bit along the way. It may be necessary to talk to each other as a team about the project’s success goals rather than just as individuals.

What would be good to have as part of the corporate culture

A culture of mutual praise

When we are feeling down or low on motivation, it is always nice to receive praise, even for small things. I have been involved in such an initiative at mgn. I was not able to participate, but I was so happy to see the document praising me later that it brought tears to my eyes, probably because I was just feeling down.

Ensure “psychological safety.”

It is difficult to stay motivated in an environment where you cannot freely express your opinions. Being able to say what I am thinking and feeling even when something is bothering me or when my opinion differs from everyone else’s makes me feel that I am part of a team, and I think this is necessary to keep me motivated.

Positive Communication

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If there is an atmosphere of mutual respect for each other’s opinions and feedback in positive terms, even if the situation is negative, we will be able to work on what we need to do with a positive attitude. When things are not going well, it is a good time to look back at the failures and find the positive things that have worked and talk to each other about them so that we can move forward.

Summary: Enjoying Your Work

No matter how much you love what you do for a living, it takes more than a little effort on the part of the individual and the workplace to keep that motivation going. The way to do this should be different for each individual, but try to make your work as enjoyable as possible by adopting your own perspective and adopting your own mental attitude and daily ideas.