

みなさん、通知溜まってますか〜〜〜!! 今日はとっても便利、一方でとっても不便な「通知」に関するあれこれです。





  • 特になにも対策せず、いつも通り使う
  • 通知させないために、メンションだけはずす
  • 明日連絡することにする




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ということで、本日は通知とその利用方法について書きました! ほかにもこんな対策あるよー。という人、こんなことに悩んでるんだよねー。という人、お気軽にご意見をいただけたら嬉しいです。 ではまた!

When to Notify Flextime? The “Reserved Posting” that solves the problem


Are you getting notifications, everyone? Today, I would like to talk about a very useful, but also very inconvenient “notification”.

Notification, how much do you care?

People who are so annoyed by the badge of notifications that they have to read them all. Those who have given up because their notifications are more than four digits. I’m sure there are a lot of people out there. I am a hybrid type who wants to have zero notifications for the apps I use most often, but have given up on the ones I don’t use that much.

And people have different preferences in the timing of notifications. Those who don’t want to be notified at all outside of work hours. Those who don’t mind being notified after hours. Those who see them all and care about them. I would like to be notified at any time, because without notifications, I wouldn’t be aware of any messages sent to me.

Since we work on a flex-time system at mgn, we have to worry about what to do about notifications for hours that don’t overlap with our work hours.

  • Use as usual without taking any special measures
  • Remove only the mentions to avoid notifications.
  • I’ll be in touch tomorrow.

Convenience! Let’s use reserved postings!

One solution to this is the “reserved post” feature! Reserve a message, especially one that doesn’t need to be communicated right away, to coincide with the other person’s work hours. For the sender, you won’t forget to post, and the receiver won’t be notified outside of their work hours; reserved postings are also useful when you want to remind people a little ahead of time, such as to contact participants in time for a meeting a week from now.

The method is simple. Simply specify the time from the menu on the right side of the Send Message button.

More useful! Reserved postings in threads

At mgn, we use Slack on a regular basis, creating and operating channels for each project or topic. Within those channels, we sometimes use more detailed threads for conversations, but until now, we have not been able to post reservations about replies within a thread. Since posting in a thread notifies everyone involved in the conversation, we had to “contact them with a new post” or “leave it as a draft in the thread” to avoid unnecessary notification outside of work hours.

Recently, it has become possible to post reservations within threads as well, which is very convenient because it allows us to use the threads to keep topics together, but still be considerate about notifications!

Even more useful! Reminders for yourself

What I think might happen to those who look at notifications right away is: “I can’t deal with it now, but I looked at it! I’m sure I’ll forget about it later! I’m sure I’ll forget about it later!

At that time, you can take measures such as “unread,” “bookmark,” or “remind later.

Once you’ve seen it, you’ve never seen it. I’m going to leave it unread.

Just select “Unread” from the menu. When you open it later, you will be able to easily remember it and think, “Oh, yes, this is it…. If you are the type of person who looks at unread messages one after another, you can quickly mark a message as unread when you open it! If you are the type of person who looks at unread messages one after another, you can quickly mark them as unread when you open them.

Put it all here. Bookmark function

If you leave a channel unread, it is inconvenient to go from one channel to another! In this case, the bookmark function is recommended. Click the icon on the ribbon to bookmark a post. The bookmarked posts will be listed in the “Later” tab, so you can see what you need to do by looking at the tabs. I tend to forget things even if it’s only for a short time (for example, if I just got up from my seat for a minute), so I’ll put anything and everything in there.

Let me know later! Reminder function

The reminder function is more useful when the message is something like “in 3 days…”. It is also useful when “Later” is not enough to remind you. This function allows you to specify a time for each message to be notified to you. I can’t take my hands off right now, but I saw the notification… but I definitely have to do it later… (despair)” or “I put it in “Later” but I keep forgetting about it…” This is recommended when you have to do something. It’s a good way to put moderate pressure on the notifications, rather than putting them back in the unread list.

It’s hard to solve completely, but it’s nice to know there’s something we can do about it.

People have different tastes in notifications, and the trouble is that each situation has its own problems, which can be troublesome. However, functions such as the one introduced here fill the gap. Each time a function is added, several solutions to problems are created, which is very helpful.

So today I wrote about notifications and how to use them! There are other measures like this! If you have any other suggestions, or if you are having trouble with something like this, I would be happy to hear from you. I would be happy to hear your opinions. See you soon!