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  • 趣味の種類: たとえば、読書や映画鑑賞が趣味の人は、新しい情報やトレンドに対する好奇心が強くなることがあります。この好奇心を活かして、情報などをすばやくキャッチアップし、それをもとに新しいアイデアを提案したり、社内で共有したりすることで業務に役立てることができます。
  • 応用シーン: 企画開発やクリエイティブな仕事で、新しいコンセプトを生み出す場面。


  • 具体例: パズルや謎解きが趣味の人は、複雑な問題を細かく分解して解決する力を持っています。仕事での課題やトラブルに対しても、分析力や柔軟な思考を活かして、新しい解決策を見つけやすくなります。
  • 応用シーン: 企画設計、データ分析、トラブルシューティングなど、問題解決が求められる場面。


  • 具体例: スポーツやバンド活動など、チームで行う趣味を持つ人は、チームワークやリーダーシップのスキルを自然と身につけています。これは職場でのプロジェクトチームやグループ作業に応用することができそうです。他人との協力やコミュニケーションが円滑になると、プロジェクトの成功に貢献できそうですね。
  • 応用シーン: チームでのプロジェクトマネジメント、会議のファシリテーション。
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  • 具体例: 手芸や模型作りなど、集中して取り組む趣味を持つ人は、仕事でも細部にこだわりながら一つのタスクに集中する能力が高いです。細かいチェックや繊細な作業が求められる仕事に対して、高いパフォーマンスを発揮します。
  • 応用シーン: 資料作成、デザイン作業、精密なデータ入力や分析。


  • 具体例: 音楽が趣味の人は、仕事の合間に好きな曲を聴くことでモチベーションを高めたり、集中力を維持することができます。もしくは、趣味に関連する業界やプロジェクトに関わることで、仕事そのものに対する情熱が高まります。
  • 応用シーン: 業務効率を上げるためのリフレッシュ方法として取り入れたり、音楽業界やクリエイティブな分野での仕事に繋げる。


  • 具体例: 絵を描く、写真を撮る、文章を書くといったクリエイティブな趣味を持つ人は、その発想力を業務にも取り入れることができます。広告やプレゼン資料を作成する際に、視覚的に魅力的なデザインや表現力を活かして、仕事の質を高めることができます。
  • 応用シーン: プレゼン資料の作成、広告やマーケティング業務、企画書のデザイン。


  • 具体例: 忙しい中でも趣味の時間を作るために効率的にスケジュールを組んでいる人は、その時間管理術を仕事にも活かすことができます。短時間で効率的にタスクをこなすことで、仕事の生産性を向上させつつ、自分の自由時間も確保できます。
  • 応用シーン: 締め切りが迫っているプロジェクトや、同時に複数のタスクを進めなければならない場面。



Is this compatible, too? The idea that “hobbies help work”


Many people come to this blog with keywords such as “work” and “hobby. It is difficult to balance hobbies and work, and one of the first things that comes to mind is “being able to secure time for hobbies outside of work. Because time is limited, “securing time” is a difficult issue, including work and hobbies.

Today, let’s take a look at “work” and “hobbies” from a different perspective! This is the theme.

Thinking in Connections, Not Separations

I’m sure there are a lot of people who, when immersed in a hobby, have thought to themselves, “I wish this could be a job…”. I think about it all the time.


It does not directly translate into work, but the skills we cultivate in our hobby are skills that can be applied tremendously to our work!

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Putting it to work

Here are some hobbies and work application scenarios.


  • Types of Hobbies: For example, people who enjoy reading and watching movies may have a strong curiosity about new information and trends. This curiosity can be used to quickly catch up on information and other information, which can then be used to propose new ideas and share them within the company for business purposes.
  • Application Scenes: A situation where a new concept is created in planning and development or creative work.

problem-solving ability

  • concrete example: People who enjoy solving puzzles and riddles have the ability to break down complex problems into smaller pieces and solve them. It is easy for them to find new solutions to problems and issues at work by using their analytical skills and flexible thinking.
  • Application Scenes: Planning and design, data analysis, troubleshooting, and other situations where problem solving is required.


  • concrete example: People who have team-oriented hobbies, such as sports or band activities, naturally develop teamwork and leadership skills. This is likely to apply to project teams and group work in the workplace. The ability to cooperate and communicate smoothly with others is likely to contribute to the success of a project.
  • Application Scenes: Project management and meeting facilitation in teams.
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(powers of) concentration

  • concrete example: People who have hobbies that require concentrated effort, such as crafts and model making, have a high ability to focus on a single task at work, paying close attention to details. They perform well in jobs that require detailed checking and delicate work.
  • Application Scenes: Document preparation, design work, precise data entry and analysis.

maintaining motivation

  • concrete example: If you are a music hobbyist, listening to your favorite songs during your workday can motivate you and keep you focused. Alternatively, getting involved in an industry or project related to your hobby can increase your passion for the work itself.
  • Application Scenes: Adopt it as a refreshing way to improve work efficiency or connect it to work in the music industry or creative field.


  • concrete example: People with creative hobbies such as painting, photography, and writing can incorporate their creative abilities into their work. When creating advertisements and presentation materials, visually appealing designs and expressions can be used to enhance the quality of work.
  • Application Scenes: Creating presentation materials, advertising and marketing work, designing proposals.

Time Management

  • concrete example: If you have an efficient schedule that allows you to make time for your hobbies even when you are busy, you can apply your time management skills to your work. By completing tasks efficiently in a short amount of time, you can improve your work productivity while still having free time for yourself.
  • Application Scenes: A project with an imminent deadline or a situation in which multiple tasks must be carried out at the same time.

Hobby skills can be used at work more than you might think.

Hobbies are something you like to do, so even if you have the ability, you may not realize it. It has become “natural” to you, and you may not realize that you are good at it. By changing your perspective or talking to others about your hobbies, you may find yourself saying, “As per…”. It is not always possible to do what you like completely at work, but if you can “balance” your hobby and work from the perspective of utilizing what you are good at at work, your work will be more enjoyable! It may be possible. Please take stock of your abilities and give it a try!