小さい頃、大人に質問されて困ったものがある。 「大きくなったら、なにになりたい?」
それは人生を通して、自分が大人になっても、常に社会から問われるものであった。 今でも私は困り続けている。何になりたいんだろう。
小さいころの夢 – とりあえずいい大学に行く
そんな私のもやもやを知らず、大人が何回も将来の夢を聞くもんだから――当時小学校2年生の時は勉強が好きだったので――「東大にはいる」と言ったら大層驚いていた。 私がなぜ東大を知っていたのかは不明。きっとテレビかなにかで知ったんだと思う。 部屋にあったボックスティッシュから一枚とりだして、えんぴつで誓約書を書いたら、ティッシュは当然やぶれた。
10代のころの夢 – 漫画家、声優、言語聴覚士

絵を書くのは好きだったから、漫画家さん? ちょうど10歳のとき、クリスマスに「つけペンセット」をもらった。案外、Gペンというのは描きにくい。 ペンが紙にひっかかって、全然上手に描けなかった。 つるつるしたチラシの裏に、ボールペンで描いたほうがずっと描きやすかった。
16歳くらいのとき、ようやくまともにペンとケント紙、スクリーントーンを使って漫画のようなものを描くことができるようになった。でも、お話が全然作れないので、漫画家ってむずかしそ〜。と、思っていた。 その時も、絵ってコピー紙に激細ボールペンで描いたほうが全然楽じゃーんと思っていた。
またまた時期を同じくして、とても影響を受けた知人がいた。その知人がきっかけで言語聴覚士という職業を知って、それを目指してみようかな?とも思った。これは、その知人自身に「やめろ」と言われてやめてしまった。 言われてやめたら、「自分がない」と言われてしまった。
同じくその頃、私はホームページを作るのにもハマっていた。 インターネットがちょっと一般的になって、パソコンもじわじわと普及していた。スケルトンのiMacが一世を風靡していた。 インターネットに触れた私は大変感動し、人が作ったホームページやチャットを楽しんでいた。 ある時、それが自分でもできるかもしれないということを知り、独学でコソコソ作っていた。 「ホームページを作ること」これは、その時職業としてはまだレアだったと思うので、自分でも「大きくなったら」のうちには入らないと思って、誰にも言わなかった。だから、誰にも否定されずに楽しい趣味として続いていた。メモ帳は、思い出のアプリケーションだ。
20代のころの夢 – イラストレーター?

高校に行ったあとは、美術系の大学に行こうとしたものの、高校で遊び呆けたツケがまわって学科試験で落ちた。 そして2年ほど、パソコンを使ったアルバイトにうちこんだ。やっぱり私はパソコンが好きだ。飲食店のバイトでは、怒られてばかりだったけど…、パソコンを使って仕事をしているのって褒められる。めちゃいいじゃん、と思っていた。でも、その会社で正社員になる道はなかった(大学を出ていないといけなかったので)。 なので「アルバイトはいいとこできりあげて、なにか正社員にならないといけない」そういう雰囲気が人生に漂っていた。
そして趣味だったはずのWebの世界が自分の中心になっていった。 結局20代は、ECサイトを運営する会社を中心に仕事をしていく。 ECサイトというのは、(他の会社もそうかもしれないが)会社に人が少なければ少ないほど色々なスキルを得ることができる。 店舗サイトの制作・運用だけではなく、写真のとり方。加工の仕方。キャッチコピー、チラシやパンフレットの作り方、そしてダンボール箱を早く組み立てることまで。一人で経験できたのは今思えばラッキーだ。 イラストレーション学科で学んだデザインの考え方やアプリケーションの使い方がのちのちの仕事に役立つので、これもラッキーだ。
イラストは私の人生の「大切な趣味」となり、今でも私の人生にそっと寄りそってくれている。 20代の私もまた、複雑に絡み合ったなにかで出来ていた。
30代の将来設計 – 何にもなれそうになかった

20代後半で花嫁さんになることになった。子供の頃の夢候補、一つ回収。 さて、結婚をしていよいよ、どうごまかしても大人と言わざるを得ない人生に差し掛かる。
そして気づく。大人になってもまだ、「なにになりたい?」は延々と続く。周りや社会からの言葉が足元から這い上がる。 子どもは?家は買うの?今後のキャリアはどうするの? どうなっても、さらにその先なにになるのかを問われ続ける。終わりのない問いかけだとやっと気づく。
そしてそのまま、「なにになる」を見つけないまま、私は人生に足を引っ掛けて、大きな方向転換をすることになった。 病気による退職。療養を余儀なくされる。外出が怖くなり、フルタイムで、外に出て働くことが望めない状況が続く。 そんな私がとれた唯一の選択肢が、「家で、パソコンを使った仕事をもらう」だった。
5年ほど、いわゆる在宅でフリーランスを続ける日々が続く。 体調と相談しながら、療養をする時間が始まる。と言っても、その当時の私は療養とは思えず、長く暗いトンネルの中でひたすら足元の少し先をろうそくで照らすような毎日だった。
「大人になったら、なにになりたい?」 こうなっちゃったよ……。そう思っていた。
私はいくつかの企業に履歴書を送る。ECサイトがメインだが、その中にはひとつ、Web制作会社も入っていた。 そういえば、と思い出したのだ。昔はホームページを作ることが好きだったなと。
その会社に、これまた運良く熱意をかってもらい、内定した。 こうして私の、2つめのキャリアがはじまった。
10代・20代の頃より、可能性の線はもしかしたら細くなっているかもしれないけど、色々な要素が絡み合っているのは間違いない。少なくとも、一本の線だけではたよりなくて渡っていけなかったのが私の人生だ。細い線をたくさん持つことで、バランスを保っている。 目の前に突如降りてくるさまざまな「何になりたい?」について、とれる行動をとってきた結果が今にある。 それはすなわち、その時できること、その時やってみたいことを常に選んでいたということだ。
40代のいま – とりあえずやってみる

そして今、いろいろを経た結果、mgnで働いている。もちろん、日々の中でのアップ・ダウンはあるものの、概ね元気で、とても良い同僚や上司に恵まれている。 それでもゴールはなくて、「なにになりたい」には終わりがない。 いまでも、「なにになりたい?どうしたい?」と問われると困ってしまう。小さなことから、大きなことまで。会社に入ったとして、職能という意味で問われることもある。 日々社会から、そして自分から問いかけられる。
今振り返れば「なにになりたい?」は、仕事だけにとどまらないのではないか、と思う。 私は最初、「職業」だと思っていたが、「どう生きていきたい?」のほうが、ずっとしっくりくる。
「なにになりたい?」 さあ、どうしようね。とりあえずやってみるよ。
What do you want to be when you grow up? My dreams and Who I am now
When I was little, there was a question that adults asks that troubled me. ”What do you want to be when you grow up?”
I was constantly being asked this question by my surroundings throughout my entire life. Even now, as I’ve grown up, it still continues to trouble me. What do I want to be?
Childhood dream – For now, go to a good university
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” I think I was in kindergarten or elementary school when I understood the meaning to that question was related to “careers”. And I did not have an answer to that question. At the time, there were only a few professions that I knew of.
A florist, a baker, a pastry chef, and a bride… I didn’t like any of them. Out of everything in the list, ‘the bride’ was the one I didn’t like the most. Simply because I didn’t know what ‘a bride’ is.
Still, unaware of my confusion, the adult asked me many times about my dreams for the future ―― and since I was in the second grade of elementary school at the time and loved to study, to his great surprised, I told him “I will enter Tokyo University”. I don’t know how I knew about Tokyo University. I think it must have seen it from the TV or something.
After that, I took a tissue paper out of the tissue box in my room and wrote a pledge with a pencil. Later, I rewrote it with a pen on the back of a flyer.
I wonder where that is right now.
Teenage dream – cartoonist, voice actor, speech therapist

Even when I reached my teenage years, I was always unsure of what I wanted to be.
I liked to draw, so should I be a cartoonist? At the age of 10, I received a “dip pens set” for Christmas. The g-pen nibs was surprisingly difficult to draw with. The pen got stuck on paper and I couldn’t draw well at all. It was much easier to draw with a ballpoint pen on the back of a glossy piece of flyer.
When I was about 16 years old, I was finally able to draw something that looked like a comic strip (manga) using a decent pen, Japanese Kent paper (or as we called Bristol paper in the west), and screen tones. But I couldn’t create any stories at all so I thought, “It’s so hard to be a cartoonist / manga artist!”. I even thought it would be much easier to draw pictures with a very fine ballpoint pen on copy paper instead.
I was crazy about anime in junior high school. But because I hated my own voice (even until now), I went so far as to order materials for a vocational school, thinking that if I could become a voice actor, there would be some demand for my voice somewhere. But the people around me were all very much against the idea that it made me give up.
During the same time, I met an acquaintance who made a big impact on my life. This acquaintance made me aware about the profession of speech-language pathologist, and I thought that I might want to consider pursuing it. However, the acquaintance told me to stop, and so that’s what I did. When I was told to stop doing it, the exact words are “You don’t have it in you.”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”. If you try to response to that question and all you got in return is disapproval, what else can you do about it?
Also, back then I was into creating homepages for websites. The Internet was becoming a bit more common and computers were slowly becoming more popular. The skeleton iMac from Apple was taking the world by storm. I was very impressed with the Internet and enjoyed looking at homepages and chats that people created.
One day, I realized that I might be able to do it myself, so I began to learn by myself. ‘Creating homepage for websites’ was still a rare profession at the time so I didn’t tell anyone about what I was doing as I didn’t think it would be a part of my ‘when I grow up’ list. Thus, it continued as an enjoyable hobby for me without being rejected by anyone. Notepads became an application of memory.
As you can see, many things were happening at the same time when I was a teenager. There were so many possibilities and dreams intertwining on a single rope. There is no way to narrow them down to just one.
Dream in my 20s – illustrator?

As I was about to write this article, I suddenly thought back to my twenties with the same question in my head, “What do you want to be when you grow up?.” I can’t possibly remember all of my ‘future dreams’. I suppose I must have grown up before I knew and reached the age where I had to become something in life.
After high school, I tried to go to an art college but I failed my entrance exam because I guess I spent too much time messing around in high school. Then, I spent two years doing part-time, working with computers. As I thought, I really like computers. When I was working in the restaurant, I was constantly getting scolded for everything except…for when I was working on the computer. I thought it was going great! But actually, there was no way to become a full-time employee at that company (I had to have a college degree). Thus, there was a period when I kept thinking that I needed to finish my part-time work at a good place and get a full-time job somehow.
In the end, I went to a technical school to escape this feeling. I chose the illustration department. There was also a “Web Creator Department” at the same school, but I did not choose it. Since I was planning to go to an Art college, I was predicting that my main focus would be drawing.
However, by the time I graduated from the technical school, I was soon working part-time for a web production and online shopping services. The number of part-time jobs in the Illustration field was relatively small at the time while the offers for Web production and online shopping services was increasing. Therefore, I took my chances and shifted my focus to those areas.
Perhaps working with computers suited my nature and I ended up getting a job dealing with computers. Well, it’s sudden but now I reached a point where I thought, “once I grow up, I will find a job that work with computers.” On my graduation day of the technical school, I was asked, “Wouldn’t you have been better off as a web creator?,” in which I thought that’s true. That is something I cannot forget about.
Then from that time on, the world relating around Web, which should have been a hobby, became the center of my life. At the end of my 20s, I spent my time working mainly for companies that operated e-commerce sites.
Illustration became the “main hobby” of my life, and it is still a part of my life. In my twenties, I was also made up of something complex and intertwined.
The fewer the number of people in a company, the more skills you can gain. It is not only the production and the operation of the online store, but also how to take process photos, create slogans, flyers, pamphlets, and even how to assemble cardboard boxes quickly. Looking back, I feel lucky that I was able to experience all of this on my own. I also feel lucky because the design concepts and the application skills I learned in the Illustration Department was useful for my work later on.
Illustration became an “important hobby” of my life, and it is still a part of my life. In my twenties, I was again made up and intertwined with many complex and complicated things.
Plans in my 30s – I was never going to be anything.

In my late 20s, I ended up becoming a bride. A childhood dream candidate, one getting checked off. Now, once I’m getting married, I finally entered a phase where no matter how I try to fake it, I have to call myself an adult.
It was then that I realized, even as adults, the question of “What do you want to be?” continues to live on. Words from the people around you and society will slowly crawl up under your feet. What do you think about having kids? Will you buy a house? What about your future career? No matter what happens, we continue to be asked what we will become in the future. I came to realize that these are never-ending questions.
But without finding the answer to “What will I be in the future?,” my life took a big turn by itself. I resigned due to illness. I had to go on with the medical treatment. My fear of going out and working outside of home became a constant struggle. The only choice I had was to get a job working from home, using a computer.
I had to fight with what I could do, and I used my EC experience and design experience to the fullest to get the jobs I wanted.
For about five years, I continued working as a freelance from home. While monitoring my health condition, I also spend time recovering. At the time, however, I didn’t think of it as a ‘recovering stage’, but rather each day was like a long, dark tunnel with me holding on to a flashlight shining just a little ahead of my feet.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” So it has come to this…….. That’s what I thought.
I was walking on the edge, with no energy to hurry. I do not mean to say that there are no wounds that never heal. However, at that time, I was recovering from my illness and perhaps the medical treatment was working. As I recovered, I wanted to go out and work again – I wanted to work for a company once more as a full-time employee. This thought came naturally to me. To be able to think in such a way again is something I wanted to thanked my husband. I am extremely grateful to my husband for allowing me to take some time off in my own pace.
I sent my resume to several companies, mostly e-commerce sites, but one of them was a web production company. At least I remembered that I used to love making websites.
Having only experiences in my notepad days, and a simple editor in the EC days, I was not properly trained for this. However, put aside my inexperience, I continued to follow my unprecedented positive thinking. If I liked something, I might be able to make it work. This positive thinking led me to send in my resumes, CVs, and portfolios.
Fortunately, the company was enthusiastic about my work and offered me a job. Thus, I began my second career.
The line of possibilities may be thinner than when I was in my teens and my twenties. However, there is no doubt that many factors are intertwined. All I can say is that in my life, it is impossible to cross with just one perfect line. I maintain balance with many thin lines around me. I have been taking all the possible actions to response to the question, “What do you want to be?” In other words, I have always chosen the path in which I feel I could do and what I wanted to do in each stage of my life.
Now in my 40s – I’m just going to give it a try.

Back to the present, after going through so many obstacles, I am working for mgn Inc.
Though it’s natural to have ups and downs in my day-to-day life, but I am generally in good spirits and I have such supportive co-workers and bosses. Still, there is no goal, and there is no end to “what I want to be”. Even now, I keep asking myself, “What do you want to be? What do you want to do?”. I feel stuck with these questions. It can be anything ranging from small to big. If I join a company, I am sometimes asked about my skills for this work. Everyday, I am questioned by society and by myself.
In my previous section, I wrote that we must do the things that we can do now. I really mean that. We can only challenge what is thrown in front of us and act based on what we think we can do. However, as we do what we can do and what we want to do, we may be able to increase our possibilities of doing other things.
Now I also bake bread as a hobby and arrange flowers in my house. I have also drew comic books. I was even a bride myself,… although I have never baked a cake,… and I love computers and not a day goes by that I don’t use my computer or my phone. I believe that the only thing that will keep me going is connecting with the world through digital means.
Looking back, I wonder if “What do you want to be?” is not limited to work. At first I thought it was just about your “career,” but actually, “how do you want to live?” sounds more appropriate to me.
If you can ask asking yourself that question, you can keep increasing the possibilities.
Weave the possibilities that surround you like a thick rope.
“So, what do you want to be?”
Hmm, I don’t know? At first, let’s give it a try!