こんにちは!かねきよです。 私には3人の子供がいます。2024年6月現在で高1、中2、小6の娘たちです。今ではもう親の手を借りることなく身の回りのことはできるし、1から10までついて回って面倒を見るということもないはずですが、毎日忙しい!なんなら3人が保育園児だったころとあまり変わらないのではないかと思うくらい、子どもたちのことに時間が取られているような気さえします。
- 朝ご飯の準備
- 水筒の準備
- お弁当を作る(長女だけ)
- 起こす(なかなか起きない!!)
- 髪型のこと(寝癖が直らないから手伝って!!とか、ハネてないか見てー!!とか)
- 忘れ物ないかなど声掛けしながらそれぞれ見送る(出る時間はみんなバラバラ)
朝起こりがちなのは… 学校からの手紙を出し忘れていて今日締め切りだからすぐ書いてほしい。授業で使うものを準備し忘れていて朝言ってくる(調理実習があるからエプロンと三角巾とか、習字で空のペットボトルが必要とか)。そして諸々に時間がかかって遅れそうだから車で送って〜となったり。次女三女は近隣の学校なのでまだよいですが、長女は最寄り駅まで自転車で20分ちょっとかかり、1時間に1本しかない電車に乗りそこねたら、車で片道20分くらい(朝の渋滞に巻き込まれたらもっと)かけて送ることになります。 3人とも無事に学校へ行き、「ふー」となるのはだいたい7時半〜8時半の間くらいです。
- 子どもたちが出かけるまでの間に洗濯機を回しておいて、あとで干す(2回の日もあり)
- 可愛いうちの猫たちにご飯をあげて、お水を取り替えたり、毛だらけの寝床を掃除したり
- 朝ご飯や前日片しきれなかった台所の片付け
- 家中の掃除(毎日ではない)
- 夕飯を作る
- 食料品や日用品の買い出し
- 子どもたちの通院が結構ある(3人とも矯正をしているので歯医者、3人とも花粉症もちなので耳鼻科、長女はコンタクトにしたので眼科も、そして体調が悪いときは小児科)
- 夕方から夜にかけて習い事の送迎(今のところ木・金曜日に集中)
- 小中高それぞれの学校行事(これは必ず参加しないといけないものではないことが多いが、以前の記事(39ホリデーを活用して学校行事に参加)にも書いたように私はできる限り参加したいと思っている)
- 今年度は中学校のPTA役員をやっているので、夜や週末に役員会や講演会への出席など
- 毎年やっている地元のイベントの実行委員をしているので、月1ペースで実行委員会に参加
ここまで書き出してみると、特別な学校行事や通院がない限り日中は何かに時間を取られることなく仕事することができそうだな、という感じに思えるのですが、新年度が始まって約2ヶ月、本当にバタバタと忙しく集中できない日々が続いているのです。 それはなぜか…。
私はmgnで1日6時間の勤務にしていただいています。これが今の私にとっては仕事に費やせる最大の時間であると思っています。そして更に、いつもより早く仕事を始めて早く終わりにする時や、お昼から始めてそこから6時間はたらくこともあります。また、どうしても4時間、5時間しかはたらけない時は、足りない分を他の日に多く仕事することで相殺する、ということもあります。 こんなフレキシブルなはたらき方ができるmgnだから、私は仕事を続けていられるのだと改めて感じました。
My work-life balance in remote working
Hello! This is Kanekiyo. I have three children, as of June 2024, they are my daughters, a high school freshman, a junior high school junior, and a sixth grader. Now they can take care of themselves without the help of their parents anymore, and I should not have to follow around and take care of them from 1 to 10, but I am busy every day! I even feel that my time is taken up by them so much that I wonder if it is not much different from when they were in nursery school.
So, I would like to think about my work-life balance by reflecting on what I do with my time every day as a full remote worker.
What kind of things do you spend your time on?
In the morning, until I send them off to school (about 5:30 to 8:30)
- Breakfast Preparation
- Prepare water bottles
- Make lunch boxes (only for the eldest daughter)
- Wake him up (it’s hard to wake him up!!!!)
- About my hair (I can’t fix my sleeping habit, so help me! or look to see if it’s not too springy! and so on)
- Each person is sent off while asking if he/she has forgotten anything (everyone leaves at different times).
This was a smooth day with nothing irregular happening.
It tends to happen in the morning… I forgot to send out a letter from school and it’s due today and I need you to write it right away. They forget to prepare something for class and tell me in the morning (like an apron and a triangular hood for cooking class, or an empty plastic bottle for calligraphy class, etc.). Then, they ask me to drive them home because they are going to be late because of all the time it takes to get to school. My second and third daughters go to nearby schools, so it’s still OK, but my oldest takes a little over 20 minutes by bicycle to the nearest station, and if she misses the train, which only runs once an hour, I have to drive 20 minutes each way (more if she gets caught in morning traffic) to drop her off. It is usually between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. when all three girls get to school safely and say “Whew!
Things to do at home before starting work
- Run the washing machine while the children are out and dry it later (some days twice).
- I feed my adorable cats, change their water, and clean their hairy beds.
- Breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen that was not cleaned up the day before
- Cleaning the whole house (not every day)
I work up to this point and usually start work between 9:30 and 10:30.
- cook dinner
- Shopping for groceries and daily necessities
- The children have to go to the dentist because all three have braces, an ENT because all three have hay fever, an ophthalmologist because the oldest daughter has contacts, and a pediatrician when they are sick).
- Evening and evening pick-up and drop-off for lessons (currently concentrated on Thursdays and Fridays)
- School events at each of the elementary, middle, and high schools (these are often not mandatory, but as I mentioned in a previous post, I like to participate as much as possible)
- I am a PTA board member at the middle school this year, so I have evenings and weekends to attend board meetings and lectures.
- I am a member of the executive committee of a local event that we do every year, so I participate in the executive committee on a monthly basis.
When I write all this down, it seems as if I can work during the day without anything taking up my time unless I have a special school event or a hospital visit, but for about two months since the new school year began, I have been really busy and unable to concentrate. Why is that…?
Looking back on the past two months
The rhythm of my eldest daughter’s life changed drastically when she entered high school, and my second and third daughters also had some changes in their environment when they each moved on to the next grade. Because of the new school year, all three of us have separate events this year, and all Saturdays from April to June are filled with school-related schedules. In addition, there were also a few events for parents to attend on weekdays. There were also some days off due to illness.
I wrote down what I spend my time doing and thought, “Unless I have a special school event or hospital visit, I can work during the day without spending time on anything,” but there are quite a few “special school events and hospital visits,” and it is difficult to concentrate on work when the children are home on vacation. I thought “I will be able to work without having to take time off from work as long as I don’t have to go to the hospital.
Looking back, I realized that I was being pushed around by my eldest daughter’s school commute due to the drastic change in her environment. Unlike when she attended an elementary and junior high school near our home, she had to use public transportation to get to school, but there was only one train or bus every hour in the area, and on rainy days, she had to be picked up from the station or school…. Not only did the actual pick-up and drop-off take up a lot of time, but there were also many days when I had to worry about my return time and whether or not I needed to be picked up, which may have been a factor in my inability to concentrate.
Work-life balance
During the past two months, when the new school year started, there were many school events for each child and the rhythm of daily life had not yet been established, so irregular events occurred more than expected. In order to work smoothly in this situation, I think it is necessary to be able to work with a certain degree of flexibility.
I have been given 6 hours a day to work at mgn. This is the maximum amount of time I can spend at work right now. And sometimes I start earlier than usual and finish earlier, or I start at noon and work for 6 hours from there. If I can only work 4 or 5 hours, I can offset the shortfall by working more on other days. I am glad that mgn allows me such flexibility in my work schedule so that I can continue to work.
Even though my child has grown up and is gradually becoming less demanding, I still have a lot to do and think about, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend only on myself. Even so, I hope to strike a good balance and enjoy both child-rearing and work.
What I can do to have more time for myself, like work time and hobbies, would be to try to get my family to help me a little more with the housework or cut back on it. I also think it is possible that I am taking unnecessary care of my children by working remotely and being at home. If I were not home, the children would have to manage on their own. I am afraid that my presence is causing them to do things that they would have to do on their own if I were not at home. The only way to change this is to change my and the children’s awareness. I would like to update my awareness and the way I spend my time with my children as they grow, even if it is little by little from now on.