我が家には中学生2人・小学生1人の娘がおります。今年度に入り学校行事は制限なく実施することが増えてきました。 運動会などのように土日に開催されるものもある一方で、平日にも授業参観や合唱コンクールがあり、小さな発表会や面談のような1〜3時間程度のもの、午前中だけ・午後だけ都合をつければ参加できるものなど、様々なパターンで意外と多く開催されます。

39ホリデーは有給休暇とは別にそれぞれ毎月ランダムに2日間付与されるmgn独自の休暇です。日にちを自由に変更することができ、半休ずつに分けたりとフレキシブルに使えるので、気持ちの上でも好きなことに活用できる休暇という印象です。 もちろん何もなければ自分のために使いたいし、忙しければ使わないこともあります。でも子供が3人いると何かしら起こるので、だいたい使わせていただいております!

各個人の考え方や環境の違いにより様々あると思いますが、今の私は子供たちの学校行事にはできる限り参加したいと考えていて、今しかない子育ての時間を後悔のないように過ごしたいのです。そしてmgnならそれが叶います! これはとてもありがたいことで、その分mgnに貢献できるよう頑張りたいと心の底から思いますし、そのように思える環境でお仕事できることにも感謝しています。
学校で自分の子供やお友達、また先生との様子を見ることは、家族のコミュニケーションが増えたり、学校のことを知るきっかけになっていて私にとってはとても重要なことなので、これからも39ホリデーを活用させていただきたいと思っていますが、たまーに子供たちのいない自分だけの休みとして使えるとそれはそれで嬉しくて、特別感があります。 他のメンバーは39ホリデーをどのように活用しているのかも気になるところです!
Take advantage of 39-Holidays system to attend school events
Just when I thought I could finally focus on work after a long summer vacation, I was still busy taking care of my kid’s health conditions like corona, influenza, and strep throat infections…… Hello, this is Kanekiyo!
I have two junior high school kids and one elementary school. Since the beginning of this school year, both of my kid’s schools have been holding more and more school events endlessly. While some events, such as Sports Day, are held on Saturdays and Sundays, a surprisingly large number of school events are held on weekdays. This includes class visits, choir competitions, small presentations, and conferences. Usually, it lasts only one to three hours or only in the morning or afternoon.

I use 39-Holidays to attend these side activities that are called school events, or when my kids are sick and needed to go to the hospital.
What is 39 Holidays?
39-Holidays are mgn’s unique vacation system that are granted randomly once or twice a month depending on the employee’s status, in addition to paid vacations. Since the system for this holiday is flexible, we can freely changed the default date or even divided into a half-holiday instead of one. This gives me the impression that it is a vacation that can be used for whatever reasons, such as simply wanting to take a break. So of course, if there is no particular happenings, I simply want to use it for myself, but if my work is busy, I may not use it. But with three kids, there is always something going on, so I generally use it!
As a worker, I think it is hard not to feel sorry for taking time off while everyone else is working. However, 39-Holidays are automatically granted in mgn’s calendar, so for me, it is a leave system that is easier to use than paid leave. Though, there is much more to it. The system works for me because of my team member’s understanding, and I hope to never forget my gratitude for that.

Grateful for an environment that allows me to prioritize my kids
Depending on each individual’s environment and circumstances, there are different ways one might approach this. As for me right now, I want to participate in my kids’ school activities as much as possible, and I want to spend the time I have now to raise my kids in a way that I have no regrets. And with mgn, I can do that! I am very grateful for this, and I sincerely want to do my best to contribute to mgn in return for this flexible working environment. I am so fortunate and thankful to be able to work in an environment where I’m allow to do things that fits me and my family.
Being able to see my kids, their friends and their teachers at school physically is very important to me. Not only will it provides an opportunity to increase communication with my family, it also allows me to learn more about the school. Therefore, I will continue to take advantage of the 39- Holidays, and once in a while, when I can use it as a vacation for myself and my personal use, it makes me happy and it is a special feeling.
Now, I am also curious to know how other members are using their 39-Holidays!