✅ Good morning!(おはよう!)
✅ I’ll take a lunch break.(お昼休憩に行ってきます)

🏢 mgnおすすめのオフィス英会話
🔹 Sorry for the inconvenience(ご迷惑をおかけします)
何か申し訳ないことがあったとき、単に Sorry というよりも、よりビジネスライクな表現を使うと丁寧な印象になります。
💬 例:
「I want to take an early leave today. Sorry for the inconvenience.」
🔹 See you next time(また次回)
💬 例:
「That’s all. See you next time!」
🔹 Appreciated(感謝します)
感謝の気持ちを伝えたいとき、”Thank you” よりも少しフォーマルな表現が使えます。
💬 例:
「I really appreciate it.」(本当に感謝しています。)
「Appreciated.」(ありがとう。)← 簡潔に伝えたいときに便利!
🔹 Call it a day(今日はここまでにしよう)
💬 例:
「Let’s call it a day!」
🔹 Let’s wrap up(まとめよう)
💬 例:
「It’s almost time. Let’s wrap up the meeting!」
🔹 Let’s postpone the meeting(会議を延期しましょう)
💬 例:
「Can we postpone the meeting?」
🔹 My schedule is pretty tight(予定が詰まっています)
💬 例:
「Sorry, my schedule is pretty tight today. Can we reschedule the meeting?」
✨ 英語をレベルアップ!便利な略語集
💡 ASAP(as soon as possible/できるだけ早く)
「Please let me know ASAP.」
💡 FYI(for your information/ご参考までに)
「FYI, I have already finished this task.」
💡 TGIF(Thank God It’s Friday/金曜日でよかった!)
金曜日によく使われる表現。「Happy Friday!」に似たニュアンスです。
💡 AFK(away from keyboard/キーボードから離れる)
「BRB(Be Right Back/すぐ戻ります)」とセットで使われることもあります。
ハッピー・スピーキング!それではまた! 😊
Recommend English vocabularies to know at work
It’s Catt here. How’s it going?
Let’s talk about English in the workplace.
In mgn, we encourage everyone to speak in mixed languages (English – Japanese) whenever possible. This is to ensure everyone in the team can feel welcome and also to provide an inclusive environment. Yet, who are we kidding? It’s difficult to remember another language!
So here are our tips! Let’s start by using simple phrases that you can use in the office or Slack daily.
For example, here are some starters:
✅ “Good morning!”
✅ ““I’ll take a lunch break”

Here is our top recommended / useful English in the office:
🔹Sorry for the inconvenience
When we want to be polite after we say something unfortunate, instead of using just a simple “sorry”, we can make it more business level.
💬 For example,
“I want to take an early leave today. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
This shows that you are responsible for what is going to happen and in case something inconvenience happens at work because of your absence, you want your co workers to know how sorry you feel.
🔹See you next time
Usually used at the end of a regular meeting.
💬 Example:
“That’s all. See you next time!”
When you want to show how thankful you are to someone. It is recommend to use after someone has done something good for you and you want to say more than thank you!
💬 Example:
“I really appreciated.”
“Appreciated.” (short cut – fast and simple)
🔹Call it a day
A phrase to notice everyone casually in your workplace. Usually used when it’s been a long day and you want to let your teammates know you will end work.
💬 Example:
“Let’s call it a day!”
🔹Let’s wrap up
Used when you are facilitating meeting. When time is running out and you want to summarize the last point or preparing everyone to end the meeting.
💬 For example,
“It’s almost time. Let’s wrap up the meeting!”
🔹Let’s postpone the meeting
When a meeting is overlapping and you need to reschedule to another date. This is to let your teammates know that the meeting will be reschedule, usually to another specific date.
💬 For example,
“Can we postpone the meeting?”
🔹My schedule is pretty tight
When your calendar is full and/or you don’t think you can schedule another meeting.
💬 For example,
“Sorry, my schedule is pretty tight today. Can we reschedule the meeting?”
✨Some shortcuts / abbreviations to level up your English texts:
💡ASAP (as soon as possible)
- Example, “please let me know ASAP / please do this ASAP”
💡FYI (for your information)
- Example, “FYI I have already finish this task.”
💡TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)
- This is common phrase to say in the workplace when it’s Friday. It has the impression similar to, “Happy Friday!” or “I’m glad it’s Friday”.
💡AFK (away from keyboard)
- This is usually used to let people know that you need to step away from your keyboard for a while. Usually for a short time.
- Sometimes used in combination with “BRB (Be Right Back)”.
So, what do you think? Let’s try to incorporate these while working or on Slack and you’ll improve your English soon!
Happy speaking! See you later.