
私の趣味 = アイデンティティを肯定してもらえる空気と、趣味の時間を確保しやすい働き方。この2つがそろって、私は全力で演奏活動ができている。そして、「私には音楽がある」と思えるから、仕事で何かあっても、折れずにいられる。趣味と仕事の相互作用が、私に走り続ける力をくれる。

WordPressのコミュニティ活動では、様々な人と出会うことができる。業界の第一人者、憧れの人にも会うことができる。WordPress MeetupやWordCampの運営に携わることで、会社の中だけではできない経験もできる。コミュニティで知っている顔が増え、私の名前を知っている人が増え、次の機会に声をかけてもらえることも増える。
この記事を書いている2023年10月のWordCamp Tokyo 2023でもスタッフとして活動したのだが、会社の仕事とバランスを取りながらスタッフの仕事を遂行できたのは、会社がそれを認め、応援してくれたからだ。勤務時間中にWordCampの仕事をすることを許容してくれ、WordCampのことで困ったことがあれば相談に乗ってくれた。最大限、WordCampに力を注ぐことができ、周りに助けられながら、無事にゴールできた。

Trying all the things I want to do. Since I’m in mgn, I can do it
I am greedy.
I am not good at throwing away my options, and I always put my all to everything (in other words, I cannot find balance in everything that I do because I am clumsy). Therefore, I tend to run out of energy every time I do something. This result in me being attack by my own fever and having to stay in bed for several days. Still, whether it is good or bad, I want to do my best for all the things I decided to do, regardless of whether it is work or hobby.
However, it’s not like I can always think of this ideal in my career. There were many things that I had no choice but to give up, or things that I unconsciously thought I could not do anyway so I stop thinking of trying.
I realized that the “I could not do anyway” thought vanished after being a part of mgn. I was able to try whatever I want to try. Although it is pretty hard to do everything I wanted, I can do it since I am in mgn. Through this article, I want to tell you how I, a designer in mgn, deal with the things I want to do and how work life in mgn makes my wish a reality.
mgn accepts my hobby as an “identity”

In high school, when I entered a wind orchestra club, I began playing an instrument called an “oboe” which is a kind of woodwind instrument. And that continued all the way through my years in university. Even now, during the weekends, I am still playing the oboe for some amateur orchestras. In a year, I usually perform on stage at least 3 times minimum, and 5 times maximum. Almost every weekend, I’d have to go to practice, so I also need to practice by myself even on weekdays. It requires a lot of energy and stamina to play in an orchestra. Other than practicing with the instrument itself, I also needed time to read scores and listen to sample recordings to understand the tune deeply.
Since the audiences uses their valuable time and come to the concert, I want to satisfy them with the performance. Moreover, I, myself, want to be satisfied with my performance. However, when facing such a serious desire, I would experience not only pleasant times but also hard times. Though, when I could have the best performance with my orchestra members whom I practiced together with for a long time, I received an indescribable happiness. And that, I wouldn’t trade for anything else.
For me, playing music is my identity. It gives me confidence to think that I have music in me.
The activity itself had been going on before I joined mgn. However, it actually got easier to concentrate on my hobby after joining mgn. Let’s head back to memory lane when I was in my previous company. I always brought my instrument to the office, in which I had to booked and stopped by a studio just to practice on my way home. I have cried since I was so late for the studio reservation time due to a sudden task that came up as I was about to leave the office. I also experienced times when I was so busy with many long business trips that it was difficult to make plans to practice before the actual concert.
“Work comes before everything”. I never had an idea to adjust my work for my hobby, and I never ever would have thought that it would be allowed.
In contrast, in mgn, everyone shares their hobbies or interests and take days off for their hobbies without hesitation. Furthermore, everyone welcomes it and supports it. We all have one ideal that there are many important things in our lives besides work. What was important to me was not simply that each individuals can freely take days off (adjusted to their schedule), but that an atmosphere where each members could freely share what they like and everyone accepts it.
Thanks to everyone support, I was able to make good use of the system of full remote working and flex time, and made time to practice the oboe. For example, I sometimes took 1.5 or 2 hours as a lunch break, when initially lunch break is basically an hour. I also started working earlier in the morning to have time to practice in the evening. For weeks before the concert, I took time to practice everyday even on weekdays. The fact that I practiced everyday gave me confidence to perform on stage.
Since I gave my all for a one day concert, I took a day off to recover from fatigue. We, mgn, have a system called “3 days off per week challenge”, in which we can take another 2 days off extra from the paid holidays. Since it was difficult to immediately activate the system, we are running this as a trial to get used to the three-day weekend culture. Thanks to this system, we can take days off more easily.
The atmosphere that everyone approves of my hobby = my identity, and work life allows me to easily make time for my hobbies. These two factors allow me to perform to the best of my ability. Also, my heart is unbreakable even if I have troubles at work due to the fact that “I have music in me” (I think). The interaction between hobby and work gives me the energy to keep going.
Open company and the community around me

mgn is a company whose main business is website development with WordPress and has many members who are active in the WordPress community for years. mgn encourages employees to be involved in the community. I, myself, first met mgn when I joined an event called ‘WordCamp’, a WordPress festival, as a volunteer.
Through participating in WordPress community, you can meet a wide variety of people. You can also meet leading experts in the area or someone who you admire. Getting involved in WordPress Meetup or WordCamp management, will allow you to have a one of a kind experience. One that we cannot have in a company. Gradually, you will get to know many members in the community, get recognized by many members, and when the next time comes, you just might get some opportunities from people.
What surprises me was that, one of the staff who applied was inspired by my presentation at an event. We rarely can experience that our small action influences others.
Since mgn officially allows us to be involved in community activities, we can actively expand our world. As I broaden my horizon, I feel a new world is opening up to me.
I’m writing this article just after I finished my work as a staff member at WordCamp Tokyo in October 2023. It was thanks to the support of my company that I was able to accomplished the event tasks while balancing with work. My colleagues allowed me to do WordCamp tasks during working time and they even gave advices when I was worried about the event itself. With the support of mgn members, I was able to complete all tasks with everything that I’ve got.
I want to make use of my work experience for community activities. I also want to make use of the experiences in WordCamp for my work. It would be wonderful if this cycle could bring ‘something good’ for both communities and mgn. That’s what I hope.
Then, I decided to study at an Art University

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I work for mgn as a designer. However, I was not confident enough in design and hesitate to call myself a designer.
Back when I was in school, I did not major in design and worked as a non-designer after graduation. After many twists and turns, I came to aim to become a web designer and switched career. In other words, I became a designer only by self-taught skills, without any background in design.
Since I got my current job, I always had this idea in mind to study somewhere and acquire expertise in design. Moreover, there were many situations at work where I was strongly aware of my limited design skills and that makes my desire grew stronger. I wanted to learn design systematically at school.
But, it is tough to learn at school while I am working. Do I go to school in the evening, on the weekends, or online? In any case, I needed to prepare my mind to invest in a significant amount of time and money. I even might have to give up or reduce time for my hobby. I had to convince my family. How can I possibly balance between school and work when I could possibly run out of energy just by working?
If it was the old me, I might already said, “I could not do anyway” and given up without even trying.
However, by the time I narrowed down options and requested for school brochures, I had already made up my mind. I knew that my desire to learn, which I had been holding on for a long time would never fade away. I wanted to understand more about design. I wanted to love design more.
And, I also knew that my colleagues in mgn would accept and support my decision as they have always been.
Knowing this, I decided to enter the correspondence course at an Art university. Actually, I was able to attend a class on weekdays since I was able to take days off. If I needed to prepare for a class on a weekend, I adjusted my working schedule and make enough time to finish them. I sometimes worked at a co-working space near an art supply store to do some shopping in daytime in case I needed. I take full advantage of my days off, full remote working and flex time system and somehow I could balance work and study.
At the time of writing this article, I’m on the fourth grade (the second year since I entered as a student on the third grade), but it’s still a long way off to earn enough credits to graduate. Although I anticipated that, it is so tough to keep studying. I am always exhausted on Monday after a weekend of learning. Still, I have no regrets in starting my learning experience at a university. Slowly, I have come to realize that what I have learned is slowly supporting my thinking.
I want to make my clients smile with my design. I want to help people who are in trouble through design. Therefore, in order to do so, I am trying to develop my designing skills.
Moreover, I want to give it back to my colleagues.
‘Work life’ and ‘Way of living’ are inseparable
We tend to talk about “work life” and “way of living” as two separate things. However, I think they resembles all parts of “me” and “my life”. I can try my best since I have my colleagues in mgn who support “me and everything else”.
The environment where we do not need to give up what we want to do allows us to challenge ourselves. Whether it is about our work, hobbies or family, it will motivate and improve us as a whole.
I will keep challenging myself to do what I want to do. And everyone in mgn will support me in doing so.