こんにちは!突然バナナを食べることに飽きたアクツです。数ヶ月バナナーうめー!止まらない!って感じだったのですが、なぜか飽きました。 ちなみに好きなバナナチップの種類はココナッツオイルで揚げたバナナチップです。

みなさまも子供の頃にはフラフープを回して遊んだことあったかと思います。 私もフラフープを回す子供時代を過ごした口なのですが、大変残念なことにフラフープを回すことが絶望的にできない子供でした。 たぶん1回もちゃんと回せなかったんじゃないかな? ただ幸いにも私の学校ではフラフープカーストがなかったため、その点安心でした。

ある日、好きな漫画家さんの著書一覧を見ていたら、「46歳人生で一番ナイスバディになりました」という読んだことのないダイエットエッセイ漫画がありました。 表紙絵にフラフープが描かれてるのでフラフープダイエットなことも理解したのですが、特にこの時点ではフラフープにさほど興味ありません。
で、その後は漫画に影響されてAmazonでフラフープを買い、回す生活が始まったわけです。 (ほんとフラフープ回してみたい!!ってなる漫画なんですよ)
子供時代にすらフラフープが回せないのに、中年になって回せるはずもありません。 あまりにも回せないので、自分の頭の中で「フラフープ下手くそ選手権」という謎の大会が発足します。そして「フラフープ下手くそ選手権市民代表」という謎の代表枠ももらいます。(※勝手な妄想話です)
代表の名に恥じない下手くそなフラフープを回しではありますが、やはり継続は力なり。日々回し続けたら結果、代表引退レベルにフラフープ回しも慣れてきました。 (でも、たぶん代表引退まで、人の倍時間はかかってます)

おまたせしました本題です。 代表引退してから2ヶ月経とうという今日このごろ。もうフープ回しもうまくなりました。
ただし右回しのみ。 右回しだったら、フラフープしながら鼻歌まじりにマリオRPG(TVゲーム)をプレイするぐらい回せるんです。 でも左には回せない。びっくりするぐらい回らない。 自分が不器用すぎて、左回しのリズムに乗れてないからなのですが、どうしてもリズムの乗り方がわからない。勝手に右回しのリズムで体が動いちゃって、フラフープが腹や腰に当たらないこと当たらないこと。
mgnでは、毎週火曜日の朝にコミュニケーションの一環として、short talkタイムが開催されてます。 short talk中は、1人1,2分ぐらいで、最近のこととか今ハマってる食べ物とか、業務についてちょっとした話とかをしていきます。(お題がある日もあります)
最近私はこのshort talkの時間にフラフープの成果を勝手に報告しています。聞かされる方はウンザリかもしれませんが、みんなに定期的に聞いてもらうことによりモチベーションを下げずにいられるのでとてもありがたいです。

mgnでは普段も雑談OKで、コミュニケーションできるオンラインスペースでみんな集まって仕事してるのですが、私は今飲んでる薬の副作用で集中力が保ちにくいこともあり、作業中はなけなしの集中力を仕事側に振るためにオンラインスペースから出てもっぱら引きこもってます。 なので、こういった雑談的な時間があることで、少しでもみんなのこと知れるのがうれしいです。
Q. フラフープってダイエットになりますか?
毎日1時間回してたらダイエットになるかと思います。 が、私は10分とかしか回しておらず、回す以上にお菓子を食べてるので1ミリも痩せてません
2023年12月時点では30分程度です。 「きのう何食べた?」というドラマを見ながら回すと30分ぐらいです。
足踏みやジャンプがないので集合住宅にもおすすめ!と言いたいところですが、フラフープを回すスペースがけっこう必要なので、多少ゆとりのある住宅環境じゃないと難しいかもしれません。 あとは、羞恥心を全力で捨てられるのであれば、外でやるという手もあるかもしれないです。 (私はまだその領域までいけず、部屋で回す毎日です)
I want to spin the hula hoop well(The 1st “Listen to My Worry” Project)
Hello! I’m Akutsu and suddenly I’m tired of eating bananas. A few months bananas yum! I can’t stop! but for some reason I got tired of it. By the way, my favorite kind of banana chips are banana chips fried in coconut oil.
I know this is sudden, but please listen to my problem.
In a previous article I told you that I do radio exercises, but there are other exercises I do besides radio exercises. Can you guess what it is?
I’m spinning a hula hoop.

Hula Hoop and Me
I am sure that all of you have probably played with a hula hoop as a child. I too spent my childhood spinning hula hoops, but to my great dismay, I was hopelessly incapable of spinning a hula hoop. I probably couldn’t even spin one properly. But fortunately, there was no hula hoop caste in my school, so I was relieved about that.

So, I was hopelessly unable to spin the hula hoop, and when I entered junior high school, I had no chance to spin the hula hoop in the first place.
Middle Age Meets Hula Hooping
One day, I was looking at a list of books by my favorite cartoonists.I’m 46 years old and I have the nicest body I’ve ever had in my life.There was a diet essay comic book that I had never read called “The Hula Hoop Diet. I understood that it was a hula-hoop diet because of the hula-hoop on the cover picture, but I was not particularly interested in hula-hoops at this point.
However, it is a work by a manga artist I like, and I am middle-aged and want to get rid of my flabby, flabby body, so I decided to read it.
So then, influenced by the cartoon, I bought a hula hoop from Amazon and began my life of spinning. (I really want to try hula hooping! )
Ability to compete in the championship for the worst hula hoop spinner.
If I couldn’t even spin the hula hoop as a child, there was no way I could spin it in my middle age. Since I couldn’t even spin the hula hoop as a child, I started a mysterious competition in my mind called the “Hula Hooping Championships for Citizens. I will also be awarded the “Citizen’s Representative for the Hula Hooping Championship”. (*This is a story of my own imagination.)
Although I am not a good hula hoop player, I am still a good representative. I’m getting used to spinning the hula hoop at the level of a retired representative (but it’s probably taking me twice as long to retire as a representative). (But it probably took me twice as long to retire as a representative.)
But I can’t turn the hula hoop to the left.

Sorry to keep you waiting, but here it is. It’s been two months since I retired as a representative. I’m already getting better at hoop spinning.
However, only right-handed rotation is allowed. If I turn it to the right, I can turn it enough to play Mario RPG (TV game) while humming while hula hooping. But I can’t turn it to the left. It is surprisingly hard to turn. It is because I am too clumsy to get into the rhythm of turning left, but I just don’t know how to get into the rhythm. My body moves in the rhythm of right-handed rotation on its own, and the hula hoop doesn’t hit my stomach or waist.
So, this was about the current problem I have: “I can’t turn the hula hoop to the left.
I hear stories like this every week from mgn people.
At mgn, short talk time is held every Tuesday morning as a part of communication. During the short talk time, each person has about 1 or 2 minutes to talk about what they have been up to, what foods they are into, or a small talk about their work (some days there is a topic). (Some days we have a subject).
Recently I have been taking the liberty of reporting on my hula hooping accomplishments during this SHORT TALK time. It may be tedious for those who have to listen to it, but I am very grateful for the opportunity to keep my motivation up by having everyone listen to it on a regular basis.
Thankful chatting time

To begin with, it is very helpful that there is a solid framework for this kind of chatting time.
At mgn, we usually work together in an online space where we can chat and communicate, but due to the side effects of the medication I am taking, it is difficult for me to maintain my concentration, so I stay out of the online space to concentrate on my work. So I am glad that we have this time to chat and get to know each other a little better.
FAQs that are not asked
Q. Is hula hooping a diet?
If I spin the machine for an hour every day, I think I can lose weight. However, I spin the machine for only 10 minutes or so, and I eat more sweets than I spin the machine, so I have not lost a millimeter of weight.
Q.How long can I hula hoop for?
As of December 2023, it will be about 30 minutes. If you turn it around while watching the drama “What did you eat yesterday?” is about 30 minutes if you turn it while watching the drama called “What did you eat yesterday?
Q.Can hula hooping be done anywhere?
It is also recommended for apartment complexes because there are no footsteps or jumps! However, you need a lot of space to spin the hula hoop, so it may be difficult if you do not have a spacious housing environment. Also, if you can get rid of your sense of shame, you may be able to do it outside (I’m not quite ready for that yet, but I’ll try in a room). (I haven’t gotten to that point yet, and I turn it in my room every day.)