






This is a group channel created to plan a surprised-event. The idea is from me, Catt. For now, let’s keep this a secret to Megane-san! ここはサプライズイベントを企画するために作られたグループチャンネルです。発案者は私、Catです。 とりあえず、この計画とチャンネルのことは、めがねさんには秘密にしておきましょう!

普段私たちはリモートワークを行っているため、一見仕事上に支障はありません。ただ、今までのように気軽に集まれるわけではない場面も出てきます。お引越しに際して、節目ということでサプライズイベントを行おうとなりました。サプライズイベントの建付けとしては、いつも通り Premium Day※ のイベントとして予定を確保し、内容についてはうま〜く伏せて準備をするということになります。




挑戦に際して、私たちを阻む困難が2つあります。 「予定確保が難しい」 「秘密にしておくのが難しい」 この2つの「難しい」に頭を悩ませました。




いつもの Premium Day では、予定をうまく調整して時間を捻出しているのですが(「先置き」大事です)、それでも予定が被ってしまうことはたまにあります。そういうとき、普段はその時だけ抜ける…等の対応をしていました。しかし、今回はある程度まとまった時間、参加メンバー全員のスケジュールを確保する必要がありました。








  • ゲームをする
  • 昼食や夕食を一緒にとる
  • きれいな背景とともに集合写真を取る
  • 色紙を作って渡す(一番のサプライズ!)
  • 高いところから景色を見渡す


Premium Dayはオンライン・オフライン同時開催であることが多いです。しかし今回はメンバーそして主役のめがねさんにはオフラインで参加してもらわなくてはならなかったので、昼食や夕食を一緒にとりたいという計画で推し進めました。









早速、発案者であるCatが深刻な面持ちでめがねさんに話しかけました。「I need to talk to you about something.…」



そのあとは予定通りお出かけをして楽しみました。 都庁の展望エリアに行って外を眺めたり、みんなで写真を撮ったり。




びっくりさせて、ごめんなさい。 「引っ越しはするけど、これからも東京に来るので、あんまり変わらないよ」と言ってくれましたが、私たちは節目をお祝いしたかったのです。





What we can do because we are offline. About the president moving out and setting up a surprise.

Good night! This is Saito. This is a record about a very sneaky and grandiose “a project” involving the entire mgn–.


On a certain day of a certain month, we received an announcement from CEO Megane. We are moving to Kansai.”

The move from the Kanto region to the Kansai region. And in response, one member was inspired by a plan: …… The member created a channel on Slack and invited all members except Megane-san.

This is a group channel created to plan a surprised-event. The idea is from me, Catt. For now, let’s keep this a secret to Megane-san! This is a group channel created to plan a surprise-event. The idea is from me, Catt. For now, let’s keep this plan and the channel a secret to Megane-san!

We usually work remotely, so at first glance, there is no problem at work. However, there are times when we are not able to get together as casually as we used to. We decided to hold a surprise event to mark the occasion of our move. The event will be scheduled as a Premium Day event as usual, and the details will be kept well under wraps.

Our challenge has now begun.


There are two difficulties that stand in the way of our challenge: “It is difficult to secure a schedule. It is difficult to keep a schedule. And, “It’s hard to keep it a secret.” These two “difficulties” were the ones that troubled us the most. Challenges always come with difficulties. Perhaps the best way to solve the problem is to eliminate these difficulties.

Meetings are crazy.

Multiple simultaneous projects, meetings with customers, as well as internal meetings are set up. Because we don’t have to take travel time into account when we work remotely, we tend to have a lot of meetings scheduled. mgn’s calendar (which is shared by all members) tends to be that way as well. The mgn calendar (which is shared by all members) tends to be like that, too, and the calendar is always jammed.

I always try to make time for Premium Day by adjusting my schedule (it’s important to “put it first”), but even so, there are still times when my schedule conflicts. In such cases, I have usually taken measures such as leaving only at that time. However, this time, I had a certain amount of time and members to attend the event.**Keep everyone on schedule.**It was necessary to

This was a difficult point. In particular, we had more internal meetings such as those to work out the details of Principle in addition to the usual MTGs, so it was very difficult to schedule the event without a surprise on the day of the event.

I can’t keep it a secret.

And we are not very good at keeping secrets (laughs). Of course, we don’t discuss everything, even personal things, but we are usually open to discussing almost anything within the company.

But we held back there and made plans in secret. For example, since we couldn’t consult in real time only on our Slack channel, Cat and I used the time of our weekly English lesson to secretly discuss the surprise.


Activity ideas that came up before the day of the event included the following

  • Playing Games
  • Have lunch or dinner together.
  • Take a group photo with a beautiful background
  • Make colored papers and give them to the students (the biggest surprise!)
  • Look out over the landscape from a high vantage point

It is full of surprises and ideas for activities that will be one of the most memorable. As a result, we decided to do everything as described!

Premium Day is often held simultaneously online and offline. This time, however, the members and the main actor, Megane-san, had to participate offline, so we pushed forward with the plan to have lunch and dinner together.

very day

We will meet at the office on the day of the event. Megane-san is scheduled to come to the office after noon, so the other members will meet in the morning for the surprise.

decorated with colored paper

The colored paper to be handed out on the day of the event was to be purchased with a message card and decorated with cards, stickers, illustrations, etc. For those members who could not participate on the day of the event, we would send the cards to them in advance, and they would write down the content of their messages and return them to the office. Everyone was having a good time chatting and laughing while making the colored cards….

Then, when you are done making the colored paper, carefully dispose of any traces of it. (Any little thing, like a piece of sticker!) Over lunch, we discussed how we would hand out the colored papers.


Finally, just after noon, Megane-san arrived at the office. At that time, the members were enjoying card games such as UNO and Tokinarabe. As soon as he arrived at the office, he said, “Let’s leave for the place we are going! They were very enthusiastic. The tension that hit the members – yes, the surprise would take place at the office, so we had to somehow avoid leaving right away.

Immediately, Cat, the originator of the idea, waswith a serious look on one’s faceI spoke to Mr. Megane. I said, “I need to talk to you about something…” (I’m going to use English here.) Mr. Megane naturally said, “What’s wrong? Do you want to talk in the other room? (Can you speak in front of everyone?)” (Can we talk in front of everyone?)” He looked worried. The other members acted as if they were about to smile and make mysterious faces, trying to hold back their smiles as they wanted to celebrate at any moment.

And here is a surprise! I handed a colored paper to Odoroku Megane-san. At the same time, we celebrated with online members on the spot, and with those who were not online but could not make it to the offline venue by sending video messages.

After that, we went out and had fun as planned. We went to the observation area of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building to look out and take pictures together.

Then we had dinner together and the day of surprises came to an end.


I later heard that Mr. Megane was surprised at the many thoughts that went through his head when he was approached for advice.

I’m sorry to have surprised you. You said, “We’re moving, but we’ll still be coming to Tokyo, so it won’t be much different,” but we wanted to celebrate our milestone.

We usually work mainly online. However, this event was offline, and we were only able to do it because we got together in person. We gave gifts, took sightseeing/photographs, and had dinner together.

Because we gather, we can also eat ice cream together.

On top of the physical distance between us, some things will remain the same and some things will change. We will gather at the office, write gift cards, give them to each other, and work together. This can only be done offline.

The members of mgn value events that can only be done offline as much as they value recreational activities that can only be done online. That is why this plan was born and carried out.

We intend to continue to use both means of communication with our team.